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Noliktavā plašs klāsts ar slēpošanas un snovborda ķiverēm. Slēpošanas ķiveres ir svarīgas, jo tās var pasargāt galvu no traumām kritiena vai sadursmes gadījumā. Slēpošana un snovbords var būt ātrgaitas sports, un negadījumi var notikt pat pieredzējušiem slēpotājiem un snovbordistiem. Slēpošanas ķivere var nodrošināt svarīgu aizsardzību jūsu galvai un smadzenēm trieciena gadījumā.

Pieejamie zīmoli - Atomic, Anon, Dainese, Oakley, Salomon.

Izvēloties slēpošanas ķiveri, jāņem vērā vairāki faktori:

Piemērots: ķiverei ir cieši un ērti jāpieguļ galvai. Tā nedrīkst būt pārāk vaļīga vai pārāk stingra. Jums vajadzētu būt iespējai ievietot vienu vai divus pirkstus starp ķiveri un galvu, bet ne vairāk.

Drošības vērtējumi: meklējiet ķiveri ar drošības novērtējumu. Vērtējumi norāda, ka ķivere ir rūpīgi pārbaudīta un atbilst drošības standartiem.

Veids: ir pieejami vairāki slēpošanas ķiveru veidi, tostarp cietā apvalka un veidnē iebūvētās ķiveres. Cietā apvalka ķiverei ir atsevišķa čaula un apvalks, savukārt veidnē iebūvētā ķivere ir izgatavota no viena putuplasta gabala, kas ir veidots atbilstoši formai. Abu veidu ķiveres vienlīdz efektīvi aizsargā jūsu galvu, taču veidnē iestrādātā ķivere mēdz būt vieglāka.

Materiāls: ķiveres apvalkam jābūt izgatavotam no stipra, viegla materiāla, piemēram, polikarbonāta vai stiklplasta. Interjeram jābūt izklātam ar triecienu absorbējošu putuplastu un ērtu, mitrumu izvadošu audumu.

Funkcijas: Meklējiet ķiveri ar papildu funkcijām, piemēram, vizieri, lai aizsargātu acis no saules un vēja, un mitrumu izvadošu iekšpusi, lai saglabātu vēsumu un sausumu. Dažām ķiverēm ir arī iebūvēta ventilācija, kas palīdz regulēt temperatūru.

Cena: nosakiet savu budžetu un meklējiet ķiveri, kas piedāvā vajadzīgās funkcijas un aizsardzību šajā cenu diapazonā.

Ir arī svarīgi ņemt vērā, ka slēpošanas ķivere ir jānomaina ik pēc pieciem gadiem vai pēc jebkādas lielas trieciena, pat ja tā šķiet nebojāta. Cietušai ķiverei var būt strukturāli bojājumi, kas nav redzami no ārpuses.

ATOMIC ķivere Count Amid RS black/white
-10 % Jautāt
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005560
When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density foam system that protects again..
178,20€ 198,00€
ATOMIC ķivere Count Amid RS red
-10 % Jautāt
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005562
When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density foam system that protects again..
182,70€ 203,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005950
Atomic Count JR is an in-mold helmet with an Ear Fit System to keep wind out and little ears warm, plus a Strap Station to prevent goggles twisting. For kids helmets, safety is number one priority – and the Atomic Count JR helmet features an in-mold construction that offers young skiers all t..
76,50€ 85,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005954
Atomic Count JR is an in-mold helmet with an Ear Fit System to keep wind out and little ears warm, plus a Strap Station to prevent goggles twisting. For kids helmets, safety is number one priority – and the Atomic Count JR helmet features an in-mold construction that offers young skiers all t..
76,50€ 85,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005558
REDSTER WC AMID AN5005430 When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density..
93,60€ 104,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006428
Atomic Four JR is the full protection package for young guns, all with the same urban-inspired low-profile style as the adult Atomic Four models. As part of this, you can now remove the liner and ride with beanie and goggles under the shell if you want. It’s comfy and cool and comes with Atomic Airc..
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006098
Atomic Four JR is the full protection package for young guns, all with the same urban-inspired low-profile style as the adult Atomic Four models. As part of this, you can now remove the liner and ride with beanie and goggles under the shell if you want. It’s comfy and cool and comes with Atomic Airc..
79,20€ 88,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006094
Atomic Four JR is the full protection package for young guns, all with the same urban-inspired low-profile style as the adult Atomic Four models. As part of this, you can now remove the liner and ride with beanie and goggles under the shell if you want. It’s comfy and cool and comes with Atomic Airc..
79,20€ 88,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006100
Atomic Four JR is the full protection package for young guns, all with the same urban-inspired low-profile style as the adult Atomic Four models. As part of this, you can now remove the liner and ride with beanie and goggles under the shell if you want. It’s comfy and cool and comes with Atomic Airc..
79,20€ 88,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005862
REDSTER WC AMID AN5005430 When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density..
54,00€ 60,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005866
REDSTER WC AMID AN5005430 When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density..
54,00€ 60,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006150
Send them off in safety with the Atomic Redster JR helmet – a junior racing helmet specially designed for supreme comfort and safety. It features an FIS-approved ABS Racecase plus a Holo Core construction for up to 30% higher impact protection than industry safety standards require. Underneath that,..
155,70€ 173,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006146
Send them off in safety with the Atomic Redster JR helmet – a junior racing helmet specially designed for supreme comfort and safety. It features an FIS-approved ABS Racecase plus a Holo Core construction for up to 30% higher impact protection than industry safety standards require. Underneath that,..
155,70€ 173,00€
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5006144
Send them off in safety with the Atomic Redster JR helmet – a junior racing helmet specially designed for supreme comfort and safety. It features an FIS-approved ABS Racecase plus a Holo Core construction for up to 30% higher impact protection than industry safety standards require. Underneath that,..
155,70€ 173,00€
ATOMIC ķivere Redster Replica Marcel black
-10 % Jautāt
Zīmols: Atomic Kods: AN5005482
REDSTER WC AMID AN5005430 When you’re up at 70km/h safety takes on a whole new meaning. This Atomic World Cup helmet delivers ultimate protection up to 30% higher than FIS specifications and RH2013 requirements. The Carbon + Aramid construction features new AMID protection foam, a dual-density..
127,80€ 142,00€
Rāda no 1 līdz 36 kopā 123 (Kopā lapu - 4)